Case Study: $1M Yearly Savings with Improved IT

How can IT help a business be more successful? Here’s an overview of how we helped one of our IT Managed Services clients strengthen their operations.

How can IT help a business be more successful? Here’s an overview of how we helped one of our IT Managed Services clients strengthen their operations.

Solid IT is the glue that holds an organization together. Without it, a business will miss out on efficiencies, lose productivity, and could suffer significant financial losses and downtime should a security breach occur.  


This company had challenges that we often see with new clients. They struggled with operational inefficiencies and security gaps that threatened their financial security.

When we began working with them, they had:

  • Lack of management control
  • No IT budget or forward-looking plan
  • No security strategy or patching
  • Outdated antivirus and firewalls
  • No disaster recovery plan
  • Outdated email and fileservers
  • Outdated server hardware
  • No password management or single-sign-on
  • No asset inventory management
  • No software license inventory
  • Servers with no remote management capabilities
  • No control over end-user devices
  • Extremely slow ticket resolution
  • No documentation or IT runbook

This may sound like an incredible laundry list of IT issues! … and it is, however, this isn’t uncommon. And this is a highly profitable, growing business. These issues are most often lurking in the background unnoticed until a major problem occurs.  


Given the extensive nature of their IT challenges and the clear need to build the IT capabilities from the ground up, we began the partnership with CTO as-a-service. CTO-level advisory allowed us to assess business needs and build a long-term strategy and short-term tactical plan. 

The Uprise IT Services team implemented a fully managed help desk and IT support while remediating security risks and operational challenges. During our assessment, we discovered several security breaches that required extensive and immediate action. The business’s risk was high, but we were able to keep the organization operational with little to no downtime. We moved from legacy on-premises data centers to a fully cloud-based solution that increased performance and productivity.  

We developed and implemented a security strategy, IT budget, business continuity plan, fully documented IT infrastructure, and updated hardware and software to comply with security and industry standards.  


The results speak for themselves.

This organization is seeing much higher team productivity from reduced downtime and better IT systems. Their security issue is now also resolved, saving them from a potentially costly data breach. The team also has much faster resolutions to any issues that come up, further driving efficiencies.  

IT is key to a well-run, highly productive business. If you want to talk with us about how we could help your organization improve, please reach out.  

Brian Gagnon

Brian is a seasoned technologist boasting 25 years of expertise in crafting, expanding, and refining business ecosystems. His journey in the tech landscape has seen him at the helm of Global Systems Engineering at HGST/Western Digital, shaping strategies as a global architect at VMware, and founding and steering tech companies towards success.

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